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Version: 3.0.0

Git Repository

Before you can start building, you will need to provide Ascend with a repository in which to store your code for your Project. Ascend uses public/private key-pair authentication to access your repository. This means that you will need to generate an SSH key pair, add the public key to your repository, and provide the private key to Ascend.

Before you begin​

  1. You must have your Instance Vault and Instance Store set up.
  2. You must have an Environment Vault and Environment Dataplane set up.
  3. You have access to a Git Repository hosted on of the supported platforms.

Create the SSH key pair​

  1. On your local machine, open a terminal and run the following command:
    mkdir -p ~/.ssh && ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/ascend_quickstart_repo_key -q -N ""
  2. This command will generate a new SSH key pair in the ~/.ssh directory.
  3. The public key will be saved in ~/.ssh/
  4. The private key will be saved in ~/.ssh/ascend_quickstart_repo_key.

    You can copy the contents of the public key to your clipboard by running:

    cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy

Add the public key to your repository​

Please follow the instructions here to setup the public ssh key in your Github repository.

Add the private key to Ascend​

  1. In the Ascend UI, navigate to the instance settings by clicking on the button in the top right with your instance name and your user icon.
  2. Click on the Repositories settings tab.
  3. Click the Add Repository button.
  4. Set Repository URL to the URL of your repository. This should be in the format<github-org>/<github-repo>.git.
  5. Set SSH Private Key to the private key you generated in the previous step.
  6. Click Create.

Next Steps​

Now that you have added your repository to Ascend, you can create your first Ascend Project!