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Version: 3.0.0

Quickstart for Ascend on Snowflake


In this quickstart guide you will learn how to use Ascend with Snowflake. You will be guided through the process of:

  • Connecting Ascend to Snowflake
    • Creating required Snowflake resources
    • Setting up your Instance Vault
    • Setting up your Instance Store
    • Setting up your Environment Vault(s)
  • Creating an Ascend Project using Snowflake as the Data Plane
    • Setting up a Repository
    • Creating your developer Workspace
    • Setting up your Profile and Connection to use Snowflake
    • Building & running your first Flow

This quickstart grants elevated permissions for the sake of simplicity. We recommend isolating your Ascend Instance and each Environment's resources in separate Snowflake resources based on your security requirements.


To complete this quickstart you need:

Setup Snowflake for use as an Ascend Instance Store​

You need to create one set of resources for the Ascend Instance Store. In Snowflake you need to create:


You can use existing Snowflake resources. This section walks through setup from an empty Snowflake account.

Follow along for scripts that will create the resources for you

  • a User
  • a Database
  • a Schema
  • a Warehouse
  • a Role

Start in the Snowflake UI and sign into the account you will use with Ascend. Click Create toward the top left of the screen and select SQL Worksheet. You will run SQL commands to create the Snowflake resources for Ascend.

Snowflake Create SQL Worksheet

Now navigate to the Ascend UI and click into the settings toward the top right of the screen. Navigate to the Instance settings. You will need to store the password for the Snowflake user in the Instance Vault to allow Ascend to access the Snowflake resources. Click Manage Secrets under the Instance Vault section and add a secret with the Snowflake user password.

Snowflake Instance Vault

For this quickstart we'll use the secret name snowflake-password, though you can use any name you like.


Keep note of the password you use here. You will need it to setup the Snowflake User in the next step.


Use a password manager to generate a secure password. On MacOS (or Linux) you can use openssl to generate a random password in your terminal:

openssl rand -base64 32

Snowflake Instance Vault Secret

Head back to the Instance settings in the Ascend UI and scroll toward the bottom and Edit Instance Store. Select Snowflake and fill out the details. Then click Get Setup Script. This will populate a SQL script using the values you entered.

Snowflake Instance Store setup

Paste the script into the Snowflake SQL Worksheet, updating the password to match the value in your Instance Vault.


The password is not filled in for you in the script. After copying it to the Snowflake UI, ensure you update the password with the secret value you used above.

Snowflake Instance script

Run the script -- either all at once, or step through line by line to understand what each command does.

With the resources created, go back to the Ascend UI and click Check and Update Instance Store.

Snowflake check and update instance

Congratulations! You have successfully set up Snowflake as an Ascend Instance Store.

Setup Snowflake for use as an Ascend Data Plane​

You will need to create resources to use Snowflake as an Ascend Data Plane. You should create separate Data Plane resources for each Environment you use -- you can repeat the steps below for each Environment. In Snowflake you need to create:

  • a User
  • a Database
  • a Schema
  • a Warehouse
  • a Role

These resources should be separate from the Instance Store resources. You should also create isolated resources for each Environment you use. The setup will be similar as above but using different values for the resources.


Change the password in the script below. You should not use the same password as the Instance Store user.


/* Store this password in your environment vault under the key "snowflake_warehouse_password" *
You will need this key later when configuring your connection in Ascend */
GRANT ROLE identifier($ENV_DEV_ROLE) TO USER identifier($ENV_DEV_USER);

Run the SQL script in a Snowflake SQL worksheet like before after updating the password.

Then, you need to add the password as a secret in your Environment Vault. In the Ascend UI, navigate to the Environments settings and edit the Dev environment.

Snowflake environment edit

Then click Manage Secrets and add a secret with the Snowflake user password.

Snowflake environment manage secrets

Using the same password you used in the SQL script above, create a secret in the Environment Vault (Dev). The secret name can be anything, though for this quickstart snowflake-password is recommended to match the default values in code for running your first Flow below. This is the same secret name as in the Instance Vault, which is fine because the Instance Vault and Environment Vault (Dev) are separate vaults for different purposes.

Snowflake environment password

Congratulations! You can now use Snowflake as an Ascend Data Plane.

Set up a Git Repository​

When you develop in Ascend, you will need to provide a Git repository in which to store your code. This step will guide you through how to set up a Git repository and add it to your Ascend Instance.

  1. Create a new repository

    • Navigate to GitHub's New Repository page
    • Set Owner to either your personal GitHub account, or your organization.

      If you have the appropriate permissions to your company's GitHub Organization, you can create a new repository within your organization. If you do not have admin access, you can create a new repository within your personal account, which will show up in the list as your GitHub name.

    • Set Repository name to ascend-quickstart-snowflake (or your preferred name)
    • Set Description to Ascend Quickstart Snowflake
    • Set Public/Private to Private
    • Click Create repository
  2. Next, clone the Ascend Community Repository and push it to your new repository.

    # Set the variables
    GITHUB_ORG="<your-github-org>" # If you are using your personal account, set this to your username
    # Clone the Ascend Community Repository
    git clone ${GITHUB_REPO}
    cd ${GITHUB_REPO}

    # Set the remote URL to your new repository
    git remote set-url origin${GITHUB_ORG}/${GITHUB_REPO}.git

    # Push the code to your new repository
    git push -u origin main

Connect Ascend to your Git Repository​

Create the SSH key pair​

  1. On your local machine, open a terminal and run the following command:
    mkdir -p ~/.ssh && ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/ascend_quickstart_repo_key -q -N ""
  2. This command will generate a new SSH key pair in the ~/.ssh directory.
  3. The public key will be saved in ~/.ssh/
  4. The private key will be saved in ~/.ssh/ascend_quickstart_repo_key.

    You can copy the contents of the public key to your clipboard by running:

    cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy

Add the public key to your repository​

Please follow the instructions here to setup the public ssh key in your Github repository.

Add the private key to Ascend​

  1. In the Ascend UI, navigate to the instance settings by clicking on the button in the top right with your instance name and your user icon.
  2. Click on the Repositories settings tab.
  3. Click the Add Repository button.
  4. Set Repository URL to the URL of your repository. This should be in the format<github-org>/<github-repo>.git.
  5. Set SSH Private Key to the private key you generated in the previous step.
  6. Click Create.

Create an Ascend Project​

With your Git Repository connected, you can now create an Ascend Project.

  1. In the Ascend UI, navigate to the instance settings by clicking on the button in the top right with your instance name and your user icon.
  2. Click on the Projects settings tab.
  3. Click the Add Project button.
  4. Set Title to Snowflake Quickstart
  5. Select Repository from the pulldown options.
  6. Set Project Root to quickstarts/snowflake
  7. Click Save.

Create your developer Workspace​

Now, let's create a workspace for us to develop in.

  1. In the Ascend UI, navigate to the instance settings by clicking on the button in the top right with your instance name and your user icon.
  2. Click on the Workspaces settings tab.
  3. Click the Add Workspace button.
  4. Set Title to My Workspace
  5. Select Environment as Dev
  6. Set Project to the project you created above (Snowflake Quickstart)
  7. Set Git Branch to my-first-branch (You can type the branch name and click "New Branch:my-first-branch" to create it if it doesn't already exist)
  8. Set Profile as dev
  9. Select Size as X-Small
  10. Set Storage to 8GB
  11. Click Save.

Build & run your first flow​

  1. In the Ascend UI, navigate to the workspace you created above and open the Files view toward the top left of the screen. Edit the profiles/dev.yaml file and update the following parameters:

    • snowflake:
      • account: <your-snowflake-account> (the Snowflake account for the Data Plane)
      • any other values if you used different names from the quickstart above
  2. If you used secrets names in your Environment Vault other than snowflake-password, update the connections/snowflake_data_plane.yaml file with the correct secret name.

  3. Finally, go into the quickstart flow and hit Run Flow!