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Version: 3.0.0

Quickstart for Ascend on Fabric


In this quickstart guide you will learn how to use Ascend with Microsoft Fabric. You will be guided through the process of:

  • Connecting Ascend to Fabric
    • Creating a Fabric workspace
    • Setting up your Instance Vault
    • Setting up your Instance Store
    • Setting up your Environment Vault(s)
  • Creating an Ascend Project using Fabric as the Data Plane
    • Setting up a Repository
    • Creating your developer Workspace
    • Setting up your Profile and Connection to use Fabric
    • Building & running your first Flow

This quickstart grants elevated permissions for the sake of simplicity. We recommend isolating your Ascend Instance and each Environment's resources in separate Azure resource groups, subscriptions, or tenants based on your security requirements.


To complete this quickstart you need:

Create Azure resources​

In Azure you need to create:

  • an Azure Resource Group
    • an Azure Storage Account resource
    • (optionally) a Fabric Capacity resource
  • an Azure Service Principal/App Registration

You can use existing Azure resources if you have them. This section will walk through setup from an empty Azure account.

  1. Make sure you are logged into Azure with the Azure CLI:

    az login
  2. Set the following variables:



    # The name of your Azure resource group

    # The location to create Azure resources in
    # use `az account list-locations` for all options

    # The name of your Azure Storage Account and Container
    # IMPORTANT: storage accounts must be unique and only contain lowercase letters and numbers

    # The name of your Azure Service Principal
  3. Run the following commands:

    # Create your resource group
    az group create \
    --name $RESOURCE_GROUP \
    --location $LOCATION

    # create the storage account
    az storage account create \
    --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
    --location $LOCATION \
    --sku Standard_LRS \
    --kind StorageV2 \
    --enable-hierarchical-namespace true

    # create the storage container
    az storage container create \
    --account-name $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME

    # create the service principal
    SP_OBJECT=$(az ad sp create-for-rbac \
    --role "Owner" \
    --scopes $(az group show --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --query id --output tsv))

    # give the service principal Blob Data Contributor access to the storage account
    az role assignment create \
    --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" \
    --assignee $(az ad sp list --display-name $SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_NAME --query "[0].appId" --output tsv) \
    --scope $(az storage account show --name $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --query id --output tsv)

Create Microsoft Fabric resources​

  1. (Optional) Navigate into the Resource Group in the Azure portal and create a Fabric Capacity resource to use across your Fabric workspaces. Alternatively, you can skip this step and use a trial license.

  2. Navigate to the Fabric GUI and create a new workspace (or use an existing one).

    • For License Mode: if you have a Fabric Capacity resource from above, select Fabric Capacity. If not, select Trial. If you're unable to set the license to Trial, select Premium per-user and your license will automatically be converted to Trial later.

      Click Fabric Create Workspace

  3. (Optional) Set the Fabric Workspace to use a Azure Fabric Capacity resource (instead of a trial license).

    • Navigate to the workspace settings from the workspace's page:

      Click Fabric Workspace settings

    • Navigate to License info and edit it, setting it to the Azure Fabric Capacity resource you created above:

      Click Fabric Workspace settings

  4. Add the Service Principal/App Registration as a user with the Admin role:


    You may need to enable Service Principals in the Fabric admin portal. Navigate to the Fabric settings toward the top right of the screen and click Admin portal under Governance and insights.

    Manage access in Fabric Add Service Principal in Fabric

  5. Create the following resources in the workspace:


    While possible to use a single warehouse for the Instance Store and Data Plane, it's best practice to separate these for security reasons and Fabric does not incur cost based on the number warehouses.

    • one warehouse to serve as the Ascend Instance Store named ascend_instance_store
    • one warehouse to serve as the Ascend Data Plane for SQL operations named ascend_data_plane_warehouse
    • one lakehouse (with lakehouse schemas enabled) to serve as the Ascend Data Plane for PySpark operations named ascend_data_plane_lakehouse

    To achieve this, click New item toward the top left in the workspace page and choose Warehouse and Lakehouse respectively.


    Lakehouse schemas must be enabled for the lakehouse. Check the box when creating the lakehouse.

    You should then see the two warehouses and one lakehouse in your workspace:

    Fabric after setup

Setup for using PySpark on Fabric​

To use PySpark on Fabric you need to set up a few more things in Azure and Fabric.

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to Microsoft Entra Id > Manage > App registrations. Find the application (Service Principal) you created above and click into it.

    Entra list

  2. From the application's page, navigate to API permissions and click to Add a permission:

    Entra app page

  3. And scroll and click on Power BI Service and click it:

    Entra Power BI

  4. And select Delegated permissions:

    Entra app permissions

  5. Then enable each of:


    in the corresponding subsections (Code, Item, Lakehouse, Workspace).

    Delegated permissions


    Wondering why you're enabling Fabric permissions under the Power BI Service? Us too! Fabric is built by the Power BI team on top of existing Power BI infrastructure, so it seems like permissions still flow through Power BI.

    We will update Ascend and our documentation to simplify the setup process as Fabric matures.

  6. Next we need to configure authentication. Click on Authentication in the Manage section of the navigation menu, then click on Add a platform.

Entra app authentication page

  1. Click on Mobile and desktop applications.

Entra app authentication page pt2

  1. In the Redirect URI field, enter http://localhost. Click Configure.

Entra app authentication page pt3

  1. Now you need to create schemas in both the warehouse and lakehouse and create a link between the lakehouse and warehouse. Start by navigating to your Data Plane warehouse in the Fabric UI and adding a link to the lakehouse:

    Click the + Warehouses button toward the top left of the Explorer bar on the warehouse page.

    Add warehouse button

    Select the ascend_data_plane_lakehouse lakehouse you created above.

    Add warehouse select

    Click Confirm.

    Next, add a new schema to the warehouse:


    You will use this schema name later to set up a Connection for the Data Plane.

    Clicking New schema will bring up a SQL query editor as shown in the screenshot below. Edit the name of the schema and run the SQL. We recommend using [quickstart] for the purposes of this quickstart, though you can use any name you like.

    Create warehouse schema

    Then, navigate into the schema and tables. Right click and Create new table, which will open a SQL query editor like above. Create an empty temporary table (run the SQL):


    This is done so you can link the schema in the next step. It won't work with an empty schema and there won't be tables in the schema until you run your first Flow later.

    Empty warehouse table

    Navigate to your Data Plane lakehouse in the Fabric UI. Make sure you are in the "Lakehouse" mode; if you are in the "SQL analytics endpoint" mode, simply click on the button and select "Lakehouse" from the dropdown.

    Lakehouse mode

    Create a schema shortcut by clicking the context menu icon of the "Tables" item in the left pane and selecting New schema shortcut:

    Create lakehouse schema shortcut

    Choose Microsoft OneLake under Internal sources, select the Data Plane warehouse, then select the schema from above:

    Create lakehouse schema shortcut pt2

    Hit Next. Under Actions, click the pencil icon, then change the name of the shortcut to ascend_wh_bridge_<your-warehouse-schema-name>. If you followed our recommendation above of naming the warehouse schema quickstart, then the name of the shortcut should be ascend_wh_bridge_quickstart.

    Create lakehouse schema shortcut pt3

    Click the checkmark icon to confirm the name change, then click Create to create the shortcut.

    Lastly, create a schema in the lakehouse by clicking the context menu icon of the "Tables" item in the left pane and selecting New Schema.

    Create lakehouse schema

    We recommend using quickstart for the purposes of this quickstart, but you can use any name you like. Click Create to create the schema.

    Create lakehouse schema

Setup Fabric for use as an Ascend Instance Store​


The Instance Store is a Fabric schema that your Ascend Instance will use to store operational data, such as logs, metrics, and other metadata.

It is kept separate from your project's data, and uses a different service account to ensure security.

To use the Fabric warehouse you created above as the Instance Store, you first need to store the App Registration/Service Principal password from above in the Instance Vault. This allows Ascend to use your app to access the Azure and Fabric resources.


You can use Azure Key Vault (or other options) as your Instance Vault, though we recommend sticking with the Ascend Managed Vault for simplicity. If you are using an external vault, you must set the secret in the vault outside of the Ascend UI.

  1. In the Ascend UI, navigate to Settings > Instance and click Manage Secrets under the Instance Vault section. Set the Instance Vault to an Ascend Managed Vault if needed. Click Add Secret and set the name to whatever you like (e.g. app-password below) and the value to the password (client secret) for the Service Principal/App Registration you created above.

    Add secret to vault


    If you followed the CLI commands above, you can print out the password with:

    echo $SP_OBJECT

    Alternatively, navigate to the Service Principal/App Registration in the Azure portal, go to Certificates & secrets, create a new client secret, and copy the value.

    Create the secret

  2. Navigate in the Ascend UI back to the instance settings (Settings > Instance) and edit your Instance Store to use the Microsoft Fabric warehouse you created earlier:


    If you followed the CLI commands above, you can get the User information with:

    echo "User:\n$(echo $SP_OBJECT | jq -r .appId)@$(echo $SP_OBJECT | jq -r .tenant)"

    You may need to install jq (e.g. brew install jq). Alternatively, you can echo $SP_OBJECT and manually construct the user information. The format for the user is <appId>@<tenant>. Note client_id is synonymous with appId in Azure Service Principals/App Registrations and tenant is sometimes tenant_id.

    For the server input, you must get the information from the Fabric UI. Navigate to the warehouse you created for the instance store and click the settings icon toward the top left and copy the SQL connection string for the Server.

    Fabric connection string

    The Warehouse input is the name of the Warehouse in Fabric (e.g. ascend_instance_store in the screenshot above).

    Instance Store

    You have now setup Fabric as the Instance Store for your Ascend Instance! You can view the data Ascend stores in your warehouse.

Setup Fabric for use as an Ascend Data Plane​

  1. To use Fabric as a Data Plane, you first need to store the App Registration/Service Principal password from above in the Environment Vault(s). This allows Ascend to use your app to access the Azure and Fabric resources.


    The secret names used below are arbitrary -- you will need to use the same names in your Connection YAML file later.


    For production workloads, you should separate the Azure resources used for the Instance Store and each Environment according to your organization's security requirements. We reuse the same resources here for simplicity.

    Repeat the steps below for each Environment you want to use with Fabric as the Data Plane.

    In the Ascend UI, navigate to Settings > Environments.


    Click into the Environment you want to setup:


    Click "Manage Secrets". Add the Service Principal password as a secret in the Environment Vault:


    If you followed the CLI commands above, you can print out the password with:

    echo $SP_OBJECT

    Or for just the password:

    echo $SP_OBJECT | jq -r .password

    Alternatively, navigate to the Service Principal/App Registration in the Azure portal, go to "Certificates & secrets", create a new client secret, and copy the value.

    Environment app password

  2. And add the Storage Account key as a secret named storage-key in the Environment Vault:


    You can navigate to the Storage Account in the Azure portal and get the key from the "Access keys" section.

    Alternatively, run:

    az storage account keys list \
    --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
    --account-name $STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME \
    --query '[0].value' \
    --output tsv

    to print it out.

    Environment storage key

  3. Lastly, to enable Spark functionality, you need to generate a refresh token and store it in the Environment Vault. Ascend uses this token to generate access tokens in order to authenticate against the Spark Livy endpoint during flow runs.

    This step requires running a small Python script locally. First, ensure you have the msal Python package installed in your package manager of choice. For instance, if you are using pip as your package manager, you can run:

    pip install msal

    Copy the following code snippet into a local file called and update the application_client_id and tenant_id variables to the values matching your Tenant ID and Application ID.

from msal import PublicClientApplication

application_client_id = "" # Fill in application ID of your Microsoft App Registration
tenant_id = "" # Fill in your tenant ID

scopes = ["", "", "",
"", "", "",
"", "", ""]

client = PublicClientApplication(client_id=application_client_id, authority=f"{tenant_id}")
accessToken = client.acquire_token_interactive(scopes=scopes)

refreshToken = accessToken['refresh_token']
print(f"refreshToken: {refreshToken}")

Run the script by executing the command python in your terminal. It should open a new browser window asking for your Azure credentials, then ask for approval for the permissions listed in the code snippet. Once accepted, the python app will print a refresh token.

Copy the refresh token and store in the Environment Vault as a secret named refresh-token.

You have now setup Fabric as a Data Plane for your Ascend Instance!

Set up a Git Repository​

When you develop in Ascend, you will need to provide a Git repository in which to store your code. This step will guide you through how to set up a Git repository and add it to your Ascend Instance.

  1. Create a new repository

    • Navigate to GitHub's New Repository page
    • Set Owner to either your personal GitHub account, or your organization.

      If you have the appropriate permissions to your company's GitHub Organization, you can create a new repository within your organization. If you do not have admin access, you can create a new repository within your personal account, which will show up in the list as your GitHub name.

    • Set Repository name to ascend-quickstart-fabric (or your preferred name)
    • Set Description to Ascend Quickstart Fabric
    • Set Public/Private to Private
    • Click Create repository
  2. Next, clone the Ascend Community Repository and push it to your new repository.

    # Set the variables
    GITHUB_ORG="<your-github-org>" # If you are using your personal account, set this to your username
    # Clone the Ascend Community Repository
    git clone ${GITHUB_REPO}
    cd ${GITHUB_REPO}

    # Set the remote URL to your new repository
    git remote set-url origin${GITHUB_ORG}/${GITHUB_REPO}.git

    # Push the code to your new repository
    git push -u origin main

Connect Ascend to your Git Repository​

Create the SSH key pair​

  1. On your local machine, open a terminal and run the following command:
    mkdir -p ~/.ssh && ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/ascend_quickstart_repo_key -q -N ""
  2. This command will generate a new SSH key pair in the ~/.ssh directory.
  3. The public key will be saved in ~/.ssh/
  4. The private key will be saved in ~/.ssh/ascend_quickstart_repo_key.

    You can copy the contents of the public key to your clipboard by running:

    cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy

Add the public key to your repository​

Please follow the instructions here to setup the public ssh key in your Github repository.

Add the private key to Ascend​

  1. In the Ascend UI, navigate to the instance settings by clicking on the button in the top right with your instance name and your user icon.
  2. Click on the Repositories settings tab.
  3. Click the Add Repository button.
  4. Set Repository URL to the URL of your repository. This should be in the format<github-org>/<github-repo>.git.
  5. Set SSH Private Key to the private key you generated in the previous step.
  6. Click Create.

Create an Ascend Project​

With your Git Repository connected, you can now create an Ascend Project.

  1. In the Ascend UI, navigate to the instance settings by clicking on the button in the top right with your instance name and your user icon.
  2. Click on the Projects settings tab.
  3. Click the Add Project button.
  4. Set Title to Fabric Quickstart
  5. Select Repository from the pulldown options.
  6. Set Project Root to 1quickstarts/fabric1
  7. Click Save.

Create your developer Workspace​

Now, let's create a workspace for us to develop in.

  1. In the Ascend UI, navigate to the instance settings by clicking on the button in the top right with your instance name and your user icon.
  2. Click on the Workspaces settings tab.
  3. Click the Add Workspace button.
  4. Set Title to My Workspace
  5. Select Environment as Dev
  6. Set Project to the project you created above (Fabric Quickstart)
  7. Set Git Branch to my-first-branch (You can type the branch name and click "New Branch:my-first-branch" to create it if it doesn't already exist)
  8. Set Profile as dev
  9. Select Size as X-Small
  10. Set Storage to 8GB
  11. Click Save.

Build & run your first flow​

  1. In the Ascend UI, navigate to the workspace you created above and open the Files view toward the top left of the screen. Edit the profiles/dev.yaml file and update the following parameters:

    • warehouse:
      • server: <your-fabric-data-plane-warehouse-server> (The SQL Connection String from the Fabric data plane warehouse you created above)
      • name: ascend_data_plane_warehouse (Or the name of the warehouse you created above if you used something different)
      • schema: quickstart (Or the name of the schema you created above if you used something different)
    • service_principal:
      • client_id: <your-service-principal-client-id> (The appId from the Service Principal/App Registration you created above)
      • tenant_id: <your-service-principal-tenant-id> (The tenant_id from the Service Principal/App Registration you created above)
    • storage_account:
      • name: <your-storage-account-name> (The name of the Storage Account you created above)
      • path: ascend-staging (Or the name of the container you created above if you used something different)
    • lakehouse:
      • name: ascend_data_plane_lakehouse (Or the name of the lakehouse you created above if you used something different)
      • schema: quickstart (Or the name of the schema you created above if you used something different)
      • endpoint: <your-fabric-data-plane-lakehouse-livy-endpoint> (The Livy endpoint or session job connection string from the Fabric data plane lakehouse you created above; see below for detailed instructions)

    To find the Livy session job connection string, navigate to the lakehouse you created above, make sure you are in "Lakehouse" mode, and click the Settings icon toward the top left of the screen.

    Livy settings

    Click the Livy endpoint tab and copy the Session job connection string.

    Livy sessions connection string

  2. If you used secrets names in your Environment Vault other than app-password, storage-key, and refresh-token, update the connections/fabric_data_plane.yaml file with the correct secret names.

  3. Finally, go into the quickstart flow and hit Run Flow!